WHAT IS EMDR? En Español
You may have noticed that after working in family and children’s agencies, my focus was learning Play Therapy in its various forms. More recently, my focus has been using an approach entitled EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. What is that?!
EMDR is based on what is called the AIP Model, which stands for Adaptive Information Processing. When we are in the middle of a traumatic situation our thinking brains turn OFF.
Rational thought is not available and we can develop incorrect explanations: “It is my fault. I should have better, done more.” “I’m bad, not good enough.” “I let my team, family, friend down.” Negative emotions and thoughts are stored in one place in the brain; positive emotions and thoughts are stored in another. Using bilateral movements helps different parts of the brain connect. With the connection comes healing. “Oh, I did all I could. It’s not my fault.” “I’m a good, competent team member, mother, student”, etc.
EMDR is a neurological process using bilateral movement of your eyes, with a buzzer in each hand, or just by walking. You do NOT have to talk or describe the trauma, only remember it or just the feelings. In the end, you will still have the memory, but not the negative feelings. “Oh yeah, that did happen.”
Trauma kept in the body can hurt us by increasing our risk for disease. Fill out the ACE questionnaire and see whereyou are. Then give a copy of the results to your Primary Care Physician.
English: ACE Test